Saturday, August 16, 2008

Ambrose Redmoon

Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear. ~Ambrose Redmoon
Courage. Fear. In the mess of humanity as we know it, courage keeps us going. Courage. Faith. Hope. Love.
Courage is reckoned the greatest of all virtues; because, unless a man has that virtue, he has no security for preserving any other. ~Samuel Johnson

So in chaos that we live in, that the courageous people who strive to do what is right, to fight for what they believe in gives a glimmer of hope. Hope that the barrier of limits can be breached. Barrier of fear.
I'm glad God made us with courage.

People are made of flesh and blood and a miracle fibre called courage. Mignon McLaughlin,

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